Sunday, May 31, 2009

How to Decide if You Should Remodel Your Mt Hood Home or Move

From birthdays and anniversaries to graduations and weddings, your home has seen many great days. But, you also may find yourself making repairs more often, and you could begin to get the feeling you need a change. This change can come by remodeling your Mt Hood home whether in Brightwood, Rhododendron, Welches or Government Camp or selling it. Before you make a decision, consider a few very important factors.

What does remodel mean to you? — If your idea of a remodel is as simple as replacing flooring and adding fresh paint, that should be an easy fix. But if a complete demolition job is involved, you'll probably save yourself money and a lot of headaches by buying a new home.

• Factor in finances – Whether you plan to remodel your Mt Hood home or move, money is involved. Figure out if it financially makes more sense to make updates to your current home or move into a new already updated home. You'd be surprised how quickly renovation costs can add up, so keep that in mind. Expect the unexpected!

• Assess your neighborhood – Do you still recognize the area you once knew? Are your neighbors still "neighborly?" An important point to consider is whether or not the neighborhood still has value. You want to make sure it is well kept and safe. If not, selling could be the answer. You also don't want to price yourself out of the neighborhood. If updating your home would make it the highest valued home in the neighborhood, you'd be better off moving into a neighborhood where you can purchase one of the lowest valued homes.

• What about the children? Most times, when kids practically grow up in a home, many strong friendships are made. Think about how moving can affect your kids. Starting over in a new neighborhood and a new school can be life changing for children. In this case, remodeling your home could be the better option.

Bottom line, when trying to figure out if you should remodel you home on Mt. Hood or sell, take your time. You should exhaust every possibility to ensure you make the right choice for you and your family.


Renovation costs:

Moving can affect kids

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